Friday, November 03, 2006

Tagged by Larry

1. How often do you blog?
>Not as often as I want to, but I try to write down a few when I can and when the mood is right.

2. Online alias:
>It's just jey-aiy. =)

3. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
>Yeap, benefit of the doubt. In the end, I regret that day I stood up for her against her boss.

4. What do you often do when you are bored?
>Three things: TV, bed or books. Often it's a combo of two - tv and bed or books and bed.

5. When bathing, which do you often wash first?
>Uhm, my hair.

6. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
>Nope. Even as an intern, the most that I've been up was 36 hours max.

7. What colors look best on you?
>I go for bright colors, lots of pinks, reds and oranges. This is regardless if I look good wearing them.

8. What's your favaorite alcoholic drink?
>Hands down, Bailey's. Lately, I tried Heineken. I still have to develop my liking for the green bottle.

9. Do you really believe in heaven and in hell as a real place that each of us will go to after death?
>Yes if only to start somewhere after our life on earth ends.

10. Do you find that you have more online friends than offline?
>Pretty even. But I've grown closer to my online friends.

11. What was your favorite subject in school?
>Seriously, I have always liked Chemistry.

12. Are you a perfectionist?
>Does an OC count as a perfectionist?

13. Do you spend more than you can afford?
>Uhhm, ehrrr, next question please.

14. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved before?
>The experience, the drama is all worth it.,

15. Do you consider yourself creative?
>I'd like to think so.

16. Do you give yourself the credit you deserve?
>It's a case to case basis, but most of the time no.

17. Do you donate time or money to charities?
>I try to give more of my time rather than material things.

18. Have you recently done something that you've criticized others for doing?
>Heck, yeah.

19. What's on your mind right now?
>Cebu stuff, mostly work. Food because I'm getting hungry.

20. Say one nice thing about the person who tagged you and the five other people that you are going to tag:

Larry is my teacher in patience, one of the people I run to for sanity checks.

Lyn. When I need a dose of hard core truths, I run to her.

Toni. Full of positive vibes.

Shirrie. One of the few bright spots in Cebu.

{illyria}. She often leaves me speechless.

Tani. She amazes me.

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