Sunday, January 02, 2011

less is more

i don't make resolutions because i know sooner than later i will forget about them. i would rather follow a mantra that will guide me all throughout the year.

less is more. that's how it's gonna be for 2011.

less negativity, more positivity. less tears, more laughter. less talk, more work. less hatred, more love. less spending, more traveling (ironic, i know).

2010 has blessed me with beautiful memories of a love that i thought no longer exist, of adventures great and small, of friendships that gave birth to laughing moments. it was a great year. the good more than covered for the not so good things that happened. there were valuable lessons learned, and i am still a student who's still eager to learn.

i am just looking forward to what 2011 will bring. i just have to believe that bottomline, i am blessed.