Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I Still Need to Get Used to This

While I soak under Madonna's music, I find myself in a comfy place where everything is steady, surprisingly. I am just letting it all in from all directions, hitting me with touches at the right places, touches that can either break my spirit or get me on high.

Patience has its rewards and I am reaping the fruits. It is time.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Girl Talkers

Starbucks 6750. Judith. Zoe. Emmyrose. Jey. We are still girl-talking after all these years.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Flgiht

I don't get to capture moments such as this as often as I want to. But when I do, I make sure that colors will be dancing before my eyes. As they say, timing is everything. And I am taking my sweet time. No rush. Just the here and the now. So zen.

So me.

And finally there is that liberating and humbling feeling of being able to fly. And flying light I am. It's one truth I am holding now. No fear. No holding back. Just the exhilirating feeling of being one with the sky, of moving in harmony with the bright lights, crossing borders, breaking barriers.

It feels so good now.

And I am at peace.