Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Really, This is How I Do It

I reread my entries and realized that I did not even say a word about me moving into this cool place overlooking Ortigas. The view from my bedroom window is charming. Yeap, I'm technically a stone's throw away from the office, giving me an extra hour to stay in bed and more reasons to stay out late. Teehee. =)

And maybe, just maybe, I am getting back in shape, literally and figuratively. I rant. I rave. Nothing new. I just added a little spice to the routine, something to perk me up and keep me from sliding back - cutting papers into tiny pieces when I can just use a shredder. This method is way better because it has healing effects at no cost. I just keep in mind that every paper I cut is equivalent to the things that have been pulling me down. After spending half of my day "spring cleaning," I felt better.

And food tripping is a pre-requisite of "spring cleaning."

Unadulterated fun to the hilt.


{illyria} said...

i am so jealous that you're living in such a badass pad.

but my mountain ranges are cool, too, right? (sayyessayyessayyes)

jey-aiy said...

trade? i'd love to be with nature.

and yes, your mountain ranges are cool. =)