Saturday, October 21, 2006

Coming to a Close

I have long waited for the return flight home. It all seems surreal. But I am glad I can finally walk away from all these, with my head unbowed, my heart unfazed, my spirit unrelenting.

And with me learning more about myself and about truths that will never fade away.

I learned to get by and live each day through constant communication with the people I hold dear, my family and my friends. They have never let me down when I'm almost on the brink of losing it. Instant cheerleaders. Sanity check. Loads of love and respect. I've been burning phone lines just to hear a familiar voice, someone I can connect with, someone who knows the real me. And every time I end a call, I am renewed.

I learned to keep it cool even when things are smoking hot. They say patience is a virtue, and I have always been known as one who runs low on patience. Looking back, I have never seen myself so composed, and my tongue in check. There were times when I was often left without much choice but to answer back. I did not. I still believe in diplomacy and killing people in kindness. Recently though, I gave a mouthful. Yeah, I still know when and where to draw the line. After all, I am no saint.

I learned to not forget that where I am is not permament, a passing thrill of an even bigger, more exciting picture. This has just prepped me up for the greater adventure waiting to unfold. But I have not forgotten that whether permanent or not, every waking moment is an enriching experience. The good, the bad, and the in between are what nourishes the soul.

I learned to hold on tightly to my faith. It anchors me to a steady state, keeping me grounded and humbled.

And as my curtain closes on this stage, I can only heave a sigh of relief, whisper a prayer of gratitude, and probably, shed tears of joy.

I am coming home.


Anonymous said...

welcome home!

jey-aiy said...

thanks, toni! and it really feels sooooooo good to be home. =)

Tani said...

home is where the heart is.